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Joshua Salins, founder and CEO, Hobby Tribe India, gave a guest lecture to the students of MBA of AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) on June 19.

The session began with a brief self-introduction by Mr Joshua where he spoke about his journey from a student with multiple hobbies to making a business enterprise out of passion and interest.

While highlighting the go-getter attitude that every individual must develop, Mr Salins said, “If you are not a doer you will die poor.” Speaking about how one can develop one’s interest in the corporate set up, he suggested to look for and try areas that one finds interesting and can sustain.

While talking about his entrepreneurial journey, Mr Salins spoke about how competitors with more capital have not been able to sustain, as they just looked at business as a model which can generate revenue rather than with interest in pursuing it.

The session ended with a question and answer session.