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The feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga was celebrated on June 21, at the AIMIT campus. The celebration began with Holy Mass at 10 a.m. Rev. Fr Dionysius Vas SJ, Rector, St Aloysius Institutions was the main celebrant.

In his homily, Rev. Fr Dionysius Vas SJ reflected on the life of St Aloysius Gonzaga. He questioned what would one think of God, our purpose and life in the time of COVID – 19? “St Aloysius Gonzaga faced an epidemic in his time. He responded to the situation with love and compassion. He became a friend with the poor; and took care of the plague victims. He looked on to the Crucifix, the suffering Christ and received grace and strength to carry out his mission,” Fr Vaz said.

Fr Rector also spoke on how we could mentor our students during these trying times. He encouraged the staff to be inspired by St Aloysius Gonzaga and have the humanity and solidarity to make a difference in the lives of people.

Soon after the Eucharistic celebration, an inspirational talk was organised for the staff. The main speaker was Fr Ronald Pais SJ. The faculty asked numerous questions on how to mentor our students to become better individuals, in the self centric world.

Fr Pais spoke on how we need to become agents of hope. He said that hope does not deny suffering but it helps us take a better look at reality. “Recognise the strength of each student and appreciate them instead of pointing out at their weaknesses and looking at their limitations,” he said.

The celebration ended with a pleasant lunch for all.