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The Librarians of AIMIT conducted the National Librarian’s Day on August 12 at the AIMIT library.

National Librarian’s Day is observed on August 12 every year to commemorate the birthday of Padmashri Dr S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972), who is considered as the father of library science in India.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director, appreciated the library staff for conducting the programme. In his talk he said by conducting this programme we are giving awareness to people and encouragement to generate knowledge. “Unfortunately, the younger generation rarely visits libraries. We are all interested in cell phones, televisions, and computers. But it is equally important to sit in a good environment and read books. Library is a place where we have the environment,” he said.

In his talk he stated, “Library is a sacred place. The best of minds in the world were spent half of the lives in a library.”

In her talk, Dr Hemalatha N. Dean (Academics, IT), explained the fundamental laws of library science. “There are five fundamental laws of library science, which basically help in the operation of a library system. We are in the 7th version of the colon classification. There are many facts to explore about DR Ranganathan and library science,” she added. Dr. Hemalatha urged the students to utilise the library facilities provided to them.

Dr Rajani Surest, Dean MBA, brushed through her school and college days’ memories of spending quality time in the library and how that practice helped her in building her life. She said libraries are places where communities connect to things like broadband, computers, programmes and classes, books, movies, video games, and more. “I am in awe of the library’s passion for continuing to provide service, which is critical during these difficult times. Thank you for working so hard at the front lines of our community during this difficult time. We see you, and we are so grateful! You have stepped up in policy and practice”, Dr Suresh concluded in her speech.

Praveen D’Souza, librarian spoke about Dr S. R Ranganathan. “It is very important to know the importance of the library science in the modern scenario. A library is not only a collection of books but is a way to transform life and society” he added.