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The final MBA students were given a farewell on June 30. Expressing their emotions Shvithi Sudhir, Shivam Sudhir and Ashton Veigas – II year MBA students – went down memory lane to recollect their experiences at AIMIT. “We have the power to shape our own destinies through our actions and choices. As we embark on our individual journeys, let us embrace opportunities, pursue our passions, and make a positive impact in the lives of others,” Ashton said.

Deepthi Preethika D’Souza, I year MBA student,conveyed words of appreciation and gratitude to the outgoing students. She expressed how their presence had been inspiring and made the learning experience more enjoyable.

In his farewell message, Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ said: “You should not run behind happiness, instead happiness must happen to you. Find happiness in everything that you do and experience in life.” He gave the imagery of a giraffe which has a long neck to suggest that we must stick out our neck for a panoramic perspective and to stand out from others. “Giraffe also has a large heart to pump sufficient blood to the brain which is at a distance. Have a large heart which can embrace the universe,” he added.

The programme concluded with a meaningful candle lighting ceremony. Each student was invited to light a candle, symbolising their commitment to carry forward the spark of knowledge and inspiration they received at AIMIT. The Director, Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, and the Finance OfficerDr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ, blessed the students during this ceremony.

As a token of remembrance and love, the students were presented with a photo certificate each with pictures of their activities at AIMIT.

Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean (Academics and Research) of MBA and other staff from the department of MBA were present.Ms Harinakshi from the department coordinated the programme.