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Deepavali was celebrated with an inter-faith prayer meet by the students of AIMIT hostels on November 20.

The service began with the lighting of the lamp by Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ and the hostel wardens followed by a graceful prayer dance by the II year students, Pooja and Preksha, while the I year, performed a colourful candle dance. The choir sang soulful bhajans and cultural songs. There were contemplative scripture readings taken from the Quran, the Mundaka Upanishad and the Holy Bible.

In his message Dr Steven D’Souza, warden of Gonzaga hostel said that the Deepavali lamp which burns itself calls everyone to be selfless. He spoke of the essence of being united as a family and spreading light.

It was a meaningful evening, bringing together all the hostel students, from all religions. Students of Gonzaga hostels coordinated the programme.