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MBA department of AIMIT inaugurated Aloysius Synergia – HR Club 2023-24 on December 14. Dr Steevan D’Souza N, faculty coordinator of the HR Club, gave an introduction, providing a glimpse into the club’s strategic vision. He said that Aloysius Synergia aims to redefine professional development by offering a suite of meticulously curated activities designed to elevate the understanding and application of human resources in a dynamic corporate landscape.

As part of the club activities, there will be a Knowledge Series, where industry experts will impart insights into the latest trends and best practices. Additionally, the club will conduct skill development workshops, HR case competitions, HR panel discussions, and industry networking events.

In her address, Dean of MBA, Dr Rajani Suresh mentioned the imperative need for skill enhancement and adaptability in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

Mr Justine P James, assistant professor at the MBA department, offered valuable insights into the nuanced situational skills essential for HR managers in diverse scenarios.

Dr Rowena Wright, and Dr Annette Sonia Maben, from the department were present. The inauguration was done by unveiling the club’s logo. Sharanya and Romila, student coordinators, presented an overview of the club’s activities.