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The second day of the faculty development programme was held on the theme ‘capacity building for transformative leadership on October 17. The resource person was Abraham George, a consultant specialist, Learning and Development, Anexion Transformation, Kochi.

The session started with a compelling introduction to the concept of leadership, highlighting its transformative potential. The Ignite workshop aimed at empowering faculty members to lead with purpose, passion, a well-structured plan, and actionable steps in both their professional and personal lives, fostering an environment of growth and shared learning.

In his explanation about leadership, he mentioned three important aspects:
1. Concern for excellence.
2. Need for achievement motivation.
3. Power of synergy.

The above mentioned aspects were deliberated through various self-learning activities.

In the post lunch session, the discussion was about the topic ‘key drivers to achievement motivation’. Mr George stated that the motivation requires three important elements:
1. Need
2. Behaviour
3. Goal

Each of these elements were discussed in depth with relevant examples and activities. Mr George stressed that these elements are important to inculcate motivation among the faculty and students. The day’s sessions ended with a question and answer session.

Earlier the programme commenced with a prayer service led by Dr Jeevan Pinto, HOD, of MCA, and an introduction by Dr S. Ruban, HOD MSc Software Technology.