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AIMIT St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) celebrated Deepavali on November 10. The theme was inter-faith harmony. The guests at the programme lit the traditional lamp which signifies the victory of good over evil.

Fr Valerian Pinto, spiritual animator, Nirmala Social Welfare Centre, Ullal, emphasised spoke on the theme light from a Christian perspective. He said that the light of Deepavali symbolises that we do not consider anyone as an outsider, but we treat them as our brothers and sisters.

Mr Muhammed Hashir, founder and director, Perfect Education, Ullal, spoke about the power of peace, harmony and education. He said, “Education is an important aspect of life and having half knowledge is harmful. We need to keep in mind that Deepavali is a festival where light takes over darkness. In the same way, let knowledge take over our hearts and minds to embark upon new horizons.”

Dayananda Kathalsar, former president of Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy, spoke on the significance of the festival Deepavali. He said that “Deepagala haavali”, the festival of Deepavali was celebrated by farmers and it was a festival that indicated growth and prosperity of all farmers in Tulunad. He concluded his speech saying, ‘Light like a lamp which burns with love’.

The choir members sang “Nadageethe” to celebrate Karnataka Rajyostava. Director, Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ said the light of Deepavali must help everyone to see clearly his/her brother or sister in others.

Earlier, Fr Jason Martis and team conducted a prayer service along with readings from different scriptures of Mundaka Upanishad, Quran and Holy Bible. Deepthi and team welcomed the gathering with a dance. The programme was coordinated by Mrs Harinakshi from the MBA department and Ms Nausheeda B.S. from IT department.