
Dr Poulami Saha
Assistant Professor, B.Tech, MBA, Ph.D
Research Publications
- Saha, P. and Kiran, K.B. (2022), “What insisted baby boomers adopt unified payment interface as a payment mechanism?: an exploration of drivers of behavioral intention”, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Vol. 19 No. 5, pp. 792-809. DOI: 10.1108/JAMR-01-2022-0022 (SCOPUS Indexed published by Emerald)
- Saha, P., & KB, K. (2022). Effect of COVID 19 on adoption of Unified Payment Interface: A study on behavioral intention of baby boomers. Available at SSRN 4130405. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4130405
- Saha, P., & Kiran, K. B. (2022). An Exploration of Trust as an Antecedent of Unified Payment Interface Usage: A SEM-Neural Network Approach. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 18(1), 1-16. DOI: 10.4018/IJEGR.298627 (SCOPUS Indexed published by IGI Global)
- Saha, P., & Kiran, K. B. Assessing the predictors of intention to use Unified Payment Interface: The role of age and gender as moderators. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. (Accepted for publication)
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Research Presentations
- Presented paper on“A descriptive study on Unified Payment Interface”at a Conference onManagement Research In The Indian Context: Opportunities And Challenges & Paper Development Workshop organized by INDAM at IIM Ahmedabad held during4th to 6th January, 2019.
- Presented paper on“Effect of COVID 19 on adoption of Unified Payment Interface: A study on behavioral intention of baby boomers” atGlobal Conference on Innovations in Management and Business, 2021 conducted online under the collaboration of Chapman University of California, Howard University of Washington, D.C. and National Institute of Technology Warangal during 27th to 28th July, 2021.
- Presented paper on“Introduction to technology innovation in microfinance” at a conference on Fostering Innovation in Financial Inclusion: Strengthening Responsible Finance in Digital Economy (FIFI-2018) organized by the Centre for Advanced research in Financial Inclusion, School of Management, Manipal University, Manipal on 16th February, 2018.
- Presented paper on “Financial Innovation and Microfinance Institutions– A Review from 21st Century”at the 6th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance & Accounting organized by SDMIMD Mysore during 18th to 19th August, 2017.
Workshops and Conferences Attended
- Faculty Development Program on “Structural Equation Modeling using R Studio- For Research and Publications” organized by TAPMI, Manipal held on 16thand 17thDecember,2016.
- International Conference on “Social Entrepreneurship as a means to achieve win-win situation: Global Experiences, achievements and perspectives” held in NMAMIT, NITTE, Karnataka.
- Expert lecture on “Reviewing and Evaluating Scientific and Management Literature using Bibliometrics” held in NITK, Surathkal on 19thDecember, 2018.
- Workshop on “Document typesetting and preparation using LaTeX” organized by NITK, Surathkal.
- Two days workshop on Multivariate Data analysis using SPSS and AMOS organized by TAPMI, Manipal held on 20thand 21stApril, 2018.
- Five days workshop on “Structural Equation Modelling: Basic and advanced analysis” organized by NIT Trichy from 2ndto 6th December, 2019.