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EpITome, a national level intercollegiate fest of the IT department of AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) was held on November 16-17. Mohsin Khan, chief technology officer and founder of Niveus Technology, was the Chief Guest. Dr Shivshankar, professor at Father Muller Institutions, was the guest of honour. Presiding over the event was Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director of AIMIT.

Mohsin Khan shared his perspectives on creating job opportunities in Mangalore and diversifying IT involvement across different sectors. Dr Shivshankar in his address spoke on the evolving relationship between medical field and IT, shedding light on their collaborative potential. Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, in his presidential address, discussed the transformative journey of technologies and their societal implications. He quoted Neil Postman’s book ‘Technopoly’ in his speech.

In addition to the energetic coordination, the fest garnered significant interest as evidenced by the participation of 12 teams from different colleges. These teams eagerly registered for various events held during the fest, showcasing a diverse and widespread enthusiasm for the activities planned. This diverse participation added a layer of competitiveness and camaraderie, enhancing the overall appeal and success of the IT fest.

At the valedictory that happened on the following day, Dr Ashrita S Uppoor, Dean, Manipal College of Dental Sciences was the chief guest. She called upon students to take up small research projects combining IT and medical field. She also said that students should think of becoming entrepreneurs so that more job opportunities are created.

Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ, Finance Officer, who presided over the programme spoke about the importance of leadership and entrepreneurship. He called upon students to embrace leadership qualities in their future endeavours.

The overall championship was bagged by NMAMIT Nitte and the runner-up prize went to MGM College Udupi.

Dean of IT Dr Hemalatha N., staff coordinators Dr Jeevan Pinto and Roshan Suvaris and student coordinators Anitha Ferros and Mansi were present. Twelve teams from seven colleges took part.