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The Finance Club of MBA department of AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) conductedthe event Bid Warson May 24. It was anauction showdown event.Eighty-seven students from the I MBA attended the event.Students were divided into groups of five and formed teams. A notional total of Rs.10, 000,000provided to each team.

In the first round, the Participants had to bid and purchase machines required with information about the revenue and cost associated with them. They were asked to calculate the profit they are able to generate and bid for the same to maximum price in tune with the fund allotted.

In the second round, nine profiles were presented which were to be auctioned off and only teams with machinery was allowed to bid.The personnels were the ‘X factor’ who would be acting as the multiplier effect. The participants had to calculate the cost associated with selecting the said personnel.

By the end of both rounds the cost and profit were calculated and according to profit, Team-22 comprising of Prajwal Shetty, Sharath Kumar, Harishtha B and Mahesh L were declared winners.