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The PG department of Business Administration (MBA) of AIMIT conducted a guest lecture on ‘Challenges faced by young managers in post COVID era’ on Thursday, November 25. Mr Harold D’Souza, the founder and President of ‘Eyes Open International’ and a member of United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking was the resource person.

Highlighting the theme of the lecture Mr D’Souza said, “Covid is merely another challenge, because sometimes the challenges we have faced are worse than this pandemic.” He said that Challenges are part of life, in fact challenges make life exciting.“When one fights every challenge and converts failures into learnings, a manager is born. Therefore, education is important but not the ultimate,” he opined.The business mantra, ‘Flip the script’ by Mr D’Souza propelled the students to be all ears till the end of the lecture.

The journey of Mr D’Souza from being a victim of labour trafficking in the US to being transformed into an activist was inspirational, many felt. It was a practical demonstration of the theme.

Along with motivating students, he explained the good and not so good aspects of Indians who dream a life in the USA.

Ms. Daphnie Priyanka Dsouza, a student of II MBA, introduced the guest. The lecture ended with a question-and-answer session and vote of thanks.