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A hands on session on ‘Introductionn to Bioinformatics and its essential tools’ was taken up by Anushree Raj from the department of Bioinformatics & IT, AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University) Collegeon April 26 for B.Sc students of Microbiology department of SAC.

Dr Vaishali Rai from the department of Microbiology welcomed and introduced the resource person.

The session focused on giving a brief introduction to bioinformatics, with an extension to its applications and scope along with hands on session on handling the essential tools for bioinformatics. Ms Raj threw light on the applications of these bioinformatics tools in health domain. Mr Avil Alva, student of I year Bioinformatics, assisted in conducting the hands on lab session.

Students were enthusiastic to learn about the tools used in bioinformatics. Altogether 57 students attended the session.