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An orientation programme was held for the I MBA year students on May 13as they began their second semester.

Fr Dr Kiran Cotha SJ in his address highlighted the vision and mission of the institution and the importance of working as a team for individual and institutional growth. Father Kiran’s message resonated with a universal truth that hard work, dedication and a commitment to excellence are the cornerstones of achievement.

During the morning session led by Fr Anthony Derick SJ, students participated in numerous engaging activities that made the session both enjoyable and informative. Fr Derick’s emphasis on focusing on the goals resonated among students, reminding of the importance of staying committed to thier aspirations.

The afternoon session was led by Fr Vishwas Misquith SJ, where a series of enjoyable activities were organised, creating an engaging atmosphere for learning. Fr Vishwas’s interactive approach not only made the session fun, but also conveyed valuable lessons on leadership. Through various exercises and discussions, he emphasised the crucial role that leaders play in guiding and inspiring others towards success.

These sessions helped students understand each other and made the process of getting to know each other easier.