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The resource person for the FDP for the IT departments on day 4 was Dr N.S. Sreekanth, HOD, and associate professor, department of Information Technology, Kannur University. The topic of the session was ‘Building IoT-enabled Intelligent Systems’.

Dr Sreekanth initiated the session with an overview of the evolution of computing systems into intelligent systems. He discussed how Artificial Intelligence has expanded its applications across various domains, providing valuable and rapid information to academicians, researchers, students, and professionals.

Dr Sreekanth emphasised the significant challenge of security in these intelligent systems. While discussing digital disability, he pointed out that computer systems can capture only visual and audio data, thus far unable to capture the other three human perceptual capabilities: taste, smell, and haptic sensations.

He presented case studies, including the ‘Smell-o-Vision’ project and its ultimate failure to illustrate the challenges involved. However, he noted that with digital data processing and the application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms, some of the concepts depicted in James Bond movies and other works of fiction involving IoT concepts have transitioned from the realm of fiction to reality.

In the post-lunch session, Dr Sreekanth conducted practical exercises on IoT using Arduino Boards, demonstrating how to achieve robotic movement, control LED illumination, utilise infrared sensors and explore applications of ultrasonic sensors, among other topics.

The day’s sessions concluded with a question and answer session. Earlier in the day, Suchetha V led the prayer and Dr. Hemalatha N, Dean of IT department introduced the resource person.