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The IT alumni meet was held at St Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology (AIMIT) on December 22. The ceremony began with a prayer, which was followed by the symbolic lighting of the lamp.

Dr Hemalatha N, dean department of IT, welcoming the alumni, emphasised their role as invaluable assets to the institution. She stressed the importance of collaboration between alumni and the institute, inviting them to share their corporate experiences with current students during visits to the College.

Dr Rakesh Kumar, faculty co-ordinator of alumni meet 2023, expressed gratitude for the alumni’s presence and pledged to make the event an annual tradition, promising a larger gathering each year.

Alumni shared nostalgic anecdotes and memories from their college days, creating an atmosphere of joy. The programme featured entertaining songs and games, adding a light-hearted touch to the evening.

The event concluded with the College anthem, fostering a sense of unity and pride. The meet ended with dinner.