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Christmas was celebrated by the staff of AIMIT on December 23. The chief guest for the day was Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Fr Melwin Pinto SJ.

In his Christmas message, Rector Fr Pinto reflected on St Paul’s words from the Holy Bible: ‘In my weakness is my strength’. “Weakness doesn’t mean it is bad; weakness is beautiful. And when we experience pain of weakness we gain knowledge. When we are weak we help each other and it spreads love amongst us”

Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ in his message said, “The more dispossessed we are, the lighter we become in our life with less burden.” He also reflected on the difference between joy and happiness. “Joy is something which comes from within which no one can take it away from you whereas happiness sometimes can be momentary. Hence we have to be more joyful in our life rather than seeking after happiness,” he added.

Mr Vinay Krishna, a faculty member from the MBA Department, delivered the Christmas message. In his message, he said, “Emotions are evoked by the senses. In the same way in December our senses evoke the festival of Christmas, especially when you hear the tunes of Christmas.” He also said that Christmas is not only the season of giving but also the season of caring.

Teaching and non-teaching staff put up dances to cheer the audience. Aravind Prabhu from the IT department recited poems. Christmas gifts were distributed to all, followed by lunch. The programme was coordinated by Dr Jeevan Pinto, Dr Poulami Saha and Dr Roshan Suvaris.