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Students of MBA and IT department of AIMIT gathered to celebrate Christmas on December 22.

In his Christmas message, Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ emphasised that Christmas is all about joy. “The Difference between joy and happiness is that joy comes from within, while happiness is something external. So we should experience joy and not always seek after momentary happiness,” he said.

Anvitha, a student of IT Bioinformatics, spoke on the significance of Christmas. She said, “May this Christmas be a time of renewal, a renewal of faith, hope, and understanding that the message of Christmas is not confined to a single day but reverberates throughout the year,” she added.

Asheeq, a student of MBA, also shared his thoughts and experience about Christmas.

Earlier, Fr Jason Martis SJ led the prayer service. Director, Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Finance Officer Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ, Dr Hemalatha N, dean, department of IT and Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean, department of MBA and the faculty were present.

There were carols, games and the arrival of Santa to cheer the crowd.