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Makarios management club for 2023-24 was inaugurated on December 2 at AIMIT, St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University).

In his message, Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ motivated the entire student community and leaders to grab the moment and stay committed in every challenge they face in life. “An ideal leader should be inspired by the example of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Lutar King, Mother Teresa and others. A leader is humble, kind and empathetic,” he said.

The Director along with the Finance Officer Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ led the office bearers of Makarios through the oath taking ceremony where all the office bearers vowed to attend meetings and abide by the bye-laws of the club and to function in every respect as office bearers of Makarios.

Makarios means fortunate. MBA management club plays a crucial role in overall development of students. It helps to improve practical skills and stay tuned on current industry trends. Through activities like workshops and case studies, they develop leadership and teamwork abilities which will help the students to face the real-world business challenges.

Elvisha D’Sliva proposed the vote of thanks and Poovamma was the host for the day.