
Mrs Laveena C. Crasta
Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Department of Big Data Analytics
M.Sc (Statistics), 2005, Mangalore University; MBA (Systems), 2012, Madras University, UGC NET (MBA), Management, 2013, PGDHRM, 2014, KSOU, PhD (Pursuing)
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), Predicting True value of used cars using multiple regression model, International Journal of Recent Technology & Engineering (IJRTE), Volume -8 Issue-5S, ISSN: 2277-3878.
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), Crime Interval Prediction and Classification using Logistic Regression, Random Forest & C5 Algorithm for Denver Crime Data Set, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), Forecasting Gold BeEs using Recurrent Neural Network Model and Multiple Linear Regression, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), Predictive analytics on churning of broad band network to JIO FIBER using SVM and Logistic regression models, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), Employee Turnover Prediction using Logistic Regression Model, SVM & Naïve Bayes Algorithm, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2020), A Statistical Analysis on Road Accidents using Machine Learning Algorithm, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 9, Issue 1, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), BMI health prediction using logistic regression model & k-NN algorithm for post graduate students of it and management in AIMIT, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Prediction and finding association between posture and lower back pain using logistic regression, Naïve Bayesian and decision tree algorithm, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Movie recommender system using k-NN algorithm, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Developing an effective tool for bivariate data analysis using python, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), A smart tool for univariate exploratory data analysis using python, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), A study to identify oneself as egoistic or altruistic person, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Naïve Bayesian, SVM and logistic regression models in heart disease classification, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Sentiment analysis of college reviews, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2018), Prediction of category developed applications on google play store using k-NN and decision tree algorithms, IJSRCSAMS, Volume 7, Issue 6, ISSN: 2319-1953.
- Laveena D’Costa (2017), A study of various methods in finding optimal solution to assignment problem, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp.199-201, e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Laveena D’Costa (2017), A study on effect of social networking sites on the academic performance and personality of students of St Aloysius College International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp. 591-593, e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Laveena D’Costa (2017), A study on the application and implementation of network analysis in the field of construction, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp.567-570, e-ISSN:2278-621X
- Laveena D’Costa (2017), A study on the effect of mobile usage on the social and personal relationship among students of St Aloysius college International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Special Issue SACAIM 2017, pp.528-529, e-ISSN:2278-621X.
- Laveena C D’Costa, WEBGPSS as a Tool in Business Simulation, international journal of Innovative Research in Computer and communication Engineering, Vol.2, Special Issue 5, October 2014, pp.351-357, ISSN(Online):2320-9801, pp411 – 418
Research presentations
- Predictive analytics on churning of broad band network to JIO fibre using SVM and Logistic regression models, SACAIM international conference held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- Crime interval prediction and classification using logistic, Random forest and C5 Algorithm for Denver crime data set SACAIM international conference held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- A statistical analysis on road accidents using machine learning algorithm, SACAIM international conference held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- Forecasting gold bees using RNN and multiple regression, SACAIM international conference held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- Employee turnover prediction using logistic regression model, SVM and Naïve Bayes Algorithm, SACAIM international conference held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- Predicting True value of used cars using multiple regression model, International conference SACAIM 2019 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 21th, 22nd November 2019.
- BMI health prediction using logistic regression model & k-NN algorithm for post graduate students of IT and management in AIMIT, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Prediction and finding association between posture and lower back pain using logistic regression, Naïve Bayesian and decision tree algorithm, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Movie recommender system using k-NN algorithm, International conference SACAIM 2018, held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Developing an effective tool for bivariate data analysis using python, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- A smart tool for univariate exploratory data analysis using python, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- A study to identify oneself as egoistic or altruistic person, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Naïve Bayesian , SVM and logistic regression models in heart disease classification, International conference SACAIM 2018 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Sentiment analysis of college reviews, International conference SACAIM 2018 ,held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- Prediction of category developed applications on google play store using k-NN and decision tree algorithms, International conference SACAIM 2018, held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, held on 15th, 16th November 2018.
- A study of various methods in finding optimal solution to assignment problem, International conference SACAIM 2017, held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- A study on effect of social networking sites on the academic performance and personality of students of St Aloysius College, International conference SACAIM 2017 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- A study on the application and implementation of network analysis in the field of construction, International conference SACAIM 2017 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- A study on the effect of mobile usage on the social and personal relationship among students of St Aloysius college, International conference SACAIM 2017 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore.
- WEBGPSS as a Tool in Business Simulation, International conference SACAIM 2014 held at AIMIT, St Aloysius College, Mangalore.