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A one-day orientation was organised on Tuesday September 14 for the non-teaching staff of AIMIT.

The topic of the day was ‘personality development, leadership and team work’. The programme began with a short prayer service by the John Correa.

The resource person for the day was Fr Pradeep Crasta SJ, Director, Loyola Pre-novitiate, Mangalore assisted by Br Larren Menezes SJ.

Fr Pradeep Crasta began his talk by narrating the story of how the Titanic ship sank. In his talk, he said “Personality development is the development of the organised pattern of attitude and behaviors which makes an individual distinctive.” He explained how to enhance one’s personality, types of personality, and also about Johari Window.

He concluded the session by conducting a group activity for the staff members where they learnt about teamwork and leadership skills.

The afternoon session was conducted by Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ. He conducted a group activity for the staff on the topic ‘Positive Talking’. The activity helped generate positive energy among the members.

In his talk he said, “We must try as much as possible to have a positive approach to our life. And the best way to stay healthy is to think positive, because it will definitely have a positive impact on our health.” He concluded the session by narrating the story of a Zen Master.