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The student council members of St Aloysius PU College, Harihar, visited AIMIT for a two-day workshop fromSeptember 1 to September 2. The leadership workshop was titled as‘Nurturing young leaders.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director, AIMIT,in his message said, “No one is a born leader.One needs to inculcate leadership skills to be an effective leader.”He further said that Jesuit education promotes everyone to be a leader in various capacities.

The workshop began with a session on ‘Communicating like a leader’ led by D. Annette Sonia Maben. The goal was to emphasie the significance of communication in leadership. Dr Maben discussed the essentials of effective communication, including verbal and non-verbal skills, and how they empower leaders to influence behaviors.

The second session titled ‘Managing conflict and promoting cooperation’ was facilitated by MsDivya Pereira. She spoke on conflict management and cooperation. She stressed resolving minor conflicts proactively to avoid damaging interpersonal relationships and as a leader how to facilitate the resolution to turn it into a learning experience for those involved.

Session three led by MrRavi Kudtarkar, focused on ‘Decision making and problem solving’. It highlighted the significance of decision-making in both work and personal life, drawing inspiration from life coaches like Sri Sadguru and Gaur Gopal Das. The importance of detachment, time consideration, and using the resonance framework for intrinsic motivation were discussed. The session concluded with valuable career guidance.

The last session was on “Time management for better leadership outcomes’ by Ms Gowthami and Dr Poulami Saha. The objective of the session was to inculcate the importance of time management and proper planning amongst the participants which could lead to better leadership outcomes. The session focused on empowering the students with the concepts of Eisenhower Matrix in layman’s language.

Day two of the workshop started with a session by Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha, Finance Officer, AIMIT. The session was titled ‘Effective leadership skills’.

In the last session of the workshop, led by Mr Vinay Krishna, participants learned about negotiation strategies and the Harvard principles of negotiation, including separating individuals from issues and focusing on interests, generating options, and using objective criteria for evaluation. Practical activities were integrated at each stage for hands-on learning.

As a closing speech, Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha reminded the students to live up with Aloysian principles, thanked Fr Avinash and Sr Ginnie for visiting the campus with the students and congratulated the organisers for successfully conducting the workshop.