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An orientation programme was conducted on October 27, 2021 for the second-year students of AIMIT hostels.

Fr Joel Fernandes, hostel sub warden, began the programme with a short prayer service and Sister Lissy Ann, hostel warden, welcomed the gathering.

The resource persons for the day were Br Ovin and Br Anjo.

Br Ovin conducted group activities for the students to know one another and spoke about value education and leadership.

Br Anjo then led the students through different activities to know more about themselves and how they can be united in a group.

Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ briefed the students about hostel rules and regulations. “It is important that all of you concentrate on the larger goal that you have before you, namely, to develop your personality and get good placement. Do not be bogged down by minor issues and spend too much energy on them,” he instructed the hostellers. The students were seen having a fun time during the programme. They took active part in various games and interacted with their new friends.