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The orientation for all non-teaching staff for the year 2023 took place on September 15. The programme commenced by invoking blessings from almighty.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director, Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ, Finance Officerm and resource person Br Leston Lobo were present.

In his address Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ emphasised the importance of staff orientation programme He said, “As they say change is the only constant; that means we require change every time. If not, we will remain the same people and we will become irrelevant. So we need to update ourselves in our respective field.”

The first session was led by Br Leston Lobo. In his session, he emphasised the ‘importance of working effectively in a team and the qualities and skills that effective team leaders should posses’. He explained what makes a good team leader and team member, like being a good communicator, a good listener, and someone who can motivate others. He also spoke about the idea of doing more than just the minimum required, which is called Magis. And how these skills are not just useful at work but also in everyday life when we have to work together with others to get things done.

Earlier the participants were divided into different teams to engage in activities. These activities were to understand problem-solving tasks, group projects, or challenges that required coordination and cooperation among team members.

The second session was conducted by Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ. In his session, he highlighted the win-win mind-set. These kinds of mind-sets are often seen as the most effective way to resolve conflicts and build positive working relationships, because they seek solutions that benefit everyone and promote cooperation. The expectations from the institution and the individual contributions necessary for the institution’s growth were also discussed at the orientation session.