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The fifth day of the Faculty Development Programme on research and publishing was held on October 20. The resource person of the day was Dr (Fr) S. Xavier SJ, Principal, St Xavier’s College, Jaipur.

The session started with a compelling message from the resource person to the faculty that teaching without publication is close to a mechanical activity and research without publication is academic timidity. He stated that in addition to enriching the teaching experience, the research is needed for National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), institutional requirements, Ph.D. supervisor eligibility and Ph.D. thesis eligibility.

In the second part, Fr Xavier dealt with the avenues of publication such as journals, books and series. In particular, he explained in detail the different types of open access journals such as gold, pure gold, hybrid gold, blue, yellow, diamond, platinum, bronze, and black journals. He provided insights on the reputed journal database for quality publication and cautioned the faculty against the predatory journals. He demonstrated how to detect them and made it clear that it was the responsibility of the faculty to identify such journals. The resource person also explained in detail the journal quality metrics such as Impact Factor, CiteScore and H- Index.

In the afternoon session, Fr Xavier discussed the structure and guidelines to be followed while preparing the articles for journal publication followed by a detailed discussion on the ethics in research. He dealt with different forms of plagiarism such as paraphrasing, repetitive research, unethical collaboration, verbatim and complete copying.

He also briefly discussed the implication of artificial intelligence for publications. The daylong session ended with a question and answer session.

Earlier the programme commenced with a prayer service led by Dr Swapna Rose, assistant professor, MBA, and an introduction and welcome by the Finance Officer, Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ.