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The fourth day of Faculty Development Programme on research capacity building was held in the department of MBA on October 19 for the MBA staff. The research scholars of the department were also present. The resource person of the day was Dr Anup Krishnamurthy from St Joseph’s Institute of Management, Bangalore.

The resource person examined in detail the process of conducting exploratory research. He highlighted the need for understanding the literature review process and the advantage of adopting the deductive route.

He provided insights on secondary data sources such as marketline, capitaline, WARC, Euromonitor (Int) and LexisNexis. He also gave a hands on experience on Indian data base system from RBI and the usage of AI in payment system. Several real time examples were discussed by the resource person to understand research perspectives.

The sessions in the noon focused on the method and statistical tools to be used in research and concluded with a few tips and tricks on paper publication. Dr Poulami Saha proposed the vote of thanks.