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First semester students of PG Software Technology, along with HOD Dr S Ruban attended a session on Digital Health and visited the Simulation Centre at Father Muller Medical College (FMMC), Mangalore on November 9.

Dr Sanjeev Rai, chief research officer, FMMC, talked about the need and usage of technology in the medical field and the recent tools that are needed for digital health. He also spoke on telemedicine, HER, how smart-watch helps in detecting heart rate and how a patients’ record is stored. He said that amid the COVID-19 pandemic, their team developed a Google form to identify the locations of available beds in Mangalore, providing valuable assistance to patients. Additionally, he elaborated on several healthcare initiatives by their students.

Dr Sudhir Prabhu, HOD, dept. of community medicine gave a brief introduction to artificial intelligence (AI). He discussed how AI is used in healthcare, how the technology relates to the medical field, how cancer is detected using AI, about augmented reality, the project tango/AR core, among other case studies.

Dr Lulu Sharief from the Father Muller Simulation and Skill Centre gave a guided tour to the mannequins available in the Simulation and Skill Centre. The advantage of using the mannequin for healthcare training and how IT is useful in this training were also elaborated.

Following this interaction, all the students of MSc Software Technology course will be working with doctors from FMMC on real time healthcare projects.