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The orientation programme for the support staff took place on October 22. A total of 21 members were present. The resource persons were Br Royster Monis SJ, and Fr Alwyn D’Souza SJ. The session began by invoking the blessings of God.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director, in his address, made a special mention of the important role played by the support staff in the better functioning of the Institution.

The first session was conducted by Br Royster Monis SJ. Through various activities and group discussions he dealt on the topics such as self-belief, commitment, leadership, trust and loyalty.

Fr Alwyn D’Souza SJ conducted the second half of the orientation. He covered topics such as self-esteem, personality development and teamwork through various group activities.

The participants took part in the sessions and all the activities with much enthusiasm and interest.