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The 131st national librarians’ day was commemorated on August 12 at AIMIT library. This day holds significance as it marks the birth anniversary of Padmashri Dr S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972), father of library science in India.

In his opening remarks, librarian Praveen D’Souza shed light on the exceptional life and contributions of Dr Ranganathan. He highlighted how Dr Ranganathan’s innovative ideas have significantly shaped the field of library science and his legacy continues to inspire librarians across the country.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director, said that libraries have transformed the lives of many people in the world. “So when we celebrate the librarians day today let us make it a point to visit the library sometime and experience the quietness through which our life can be transformed, ” he added.

Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean MBA, Dr Hemalatha, Dean IT, teaching and non teaching staff were present.