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The 7th international conference on the theme ‘Transform and thrive in an agile world’ was held on July 10 here at AIMIT St Aloysius College (Deemed to be University).

In his presidential address, Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Fr Melwin Pinto SJ said about the importance of being beneficial towards others in this agile world.

Dr Sheena Suresh, professor,department of humanities, NITK Surathkal,in her address as chief guest, stressed the importance of adopting both regional and emotional perspectives while facilitating research in an agile world.

Dr (Fr) Praveen Martis SJ, Principal, SAC,shared valuable insights on the BANI (brittle, anxious, non-linear and incomprehensible) and the OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) cycle, to prepare individuals dealing with the challenges of an agile world. He emphasisedthe need for adaptability and urged the attendees not to resist change but embrace it.

Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ, Director AIMIT, spoke on the significance of transformation in reality and the importance of thriving to effect positive change in the world. “I hope this conference will inspire future research and contribute to academic advancements,” he said.

Two technical sessions were conducted on global talent management by Renjith Krishnan from Oman, UAE and Avant-Garde research, and by DrSheena Suresh. She spoke how to find the right research topic.

Finance Officer Dr (Fr) Kiran Cotha SJ was present. A total of 68 papers were presented in various tracks in the post lunch session, including papers from across the countries and overseas.

Earlier Dr Rajani Suresh, Dean (Academics and Research), MBA, introduced the dignitaries present on the dais and provided an overview of the programme. The programme was compered by Deril D’Sa from I MBA.