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Finance club holds phoenix gambit

Finance club holds phoenix gambit

On January 9, the finance club of the MBA department of AIMIT organised an event called ‘Phoenix Gambit’. The event had 11 teams from the finance club, each representing a different company. The task was to create a consolidated profit and loss account and a balance...
IT alumni meet held

IT alumni meet held

The IT alumni meet was held at St Aloysius Institute of Management & Information Technology (AIMIT) on December 22. The ceremony began with a prayer, which was followed by the symbolic lighting of the lamp. Dr Hemalatha N, dean department of IT, welcoming the...
Joy of giving: Staff of AIMIT celebrate Christmas

Joy of giving: Staff of AIMIT celebrate Christmas

Christmas was celebrated by the staff of AIMIT on December 23. The chief guest for the day was Rector of St Aloysius Institutions, Fr Melwin Pinto SJ. In his Christmas message, Rector Fr Pinto reflected on St Paul’s words from the Holy Bible: ‘In my weakness is my...
Let us experience joy, not just happiness: Christmas at AIMIT

Let us experience joy, not just happiness: Christmas at AIMIT

Students of MBA and IT department of AIMIT gathered to celebrate Christmas on December 22. In his Christmas message, Director Dr (Fr) Melwyn Pinto SJ emphasised that Christmas is all about joy. “The Difference between joy and happiness is that joy comes from within,...
Infogenix: Bioinformatics association inaugurated

Infogenix: Bioinformatics association inaugurated

Infogenix, the student association of Bioinformatics department was inaugurated on December 20. Dr Gollapalli Pavan, assistant professor, department of Bioinformatics Nitte Deemed to be University, was the chief guest. In his address, Dr Pavan said that bioinformatics...